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Welcome to the Dordt University Scholarship Homepage!

Below you will find a listing of scholarship opportunities that are available to Dordt University students with brief information about each opportunity and the qualifications. To apply to any opportunity which requires an application you must be an accepted or currently enrolled student. To apply for these scholarships you will need to sign in using your Dordt user name and password and you will then have the opportunity to complete the General Application as well as all additional applications you may qualify for.

New/Prospective Students – Please note that you must be accepted to Dordt University prior to applying for scholarships on this page.
Once you are accepted you can find your Dordt email/user name and password when you log in to your application portal here. The information will be on the right-hand side of the page in the yellow box. Once you locate your Dordt username and password, please return to this page and use that information to log in to this site by clicking on the Sign In button at the top right of the page.

The majority of the scholarship opportunities offered by Dordt University are auto-matched through the General Application and may not require further information. After you complete your general application, you will be prompted to complete additional conditional application questions in order to be considered for different scholarship opportunities. After those are completed there may be additional opportunities for you identified as Recommended Opportunities. A limited number of scholarships indicate “Apply” under “Action” and require individual applications for consideration.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Admissions Counselor or the Scholarship Coordinator, Andrea Westerbeek, at

Award Amounts: The amount stated is for general information purposes and not a guarantee of what you may receive if awarded. Actual award amounts can vary based on recipient eligibility, available funds, and other factors. Many of our opportunities are funded through the generosity of donors within our communities. Be advised that all funding is subject to receipt from donor.

For optimal compatibility, access the application system using any newer browser, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,500.00 Boot Family Scholarship
This scholarship is available for a student who has been accepted into a...
$2,500.00 Dallas Apol Foreign Language Scholarship
Dr. Dallas Apol, Professor of Foreign Language, Emeritus 2000...
$1,500.00 Dordt University Department of Language Studies Study Abroad Scholarship
One scholarship is available for a student who has been accepted into a...
$1,000.00 Foreign Candy Company Study Abroad Scholarship
The Foreign Candy Company in Hull, Iowa and Mr. Peter De Yager...
$3,000.00 Adelene Haverhals Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Ms. Haverhals. The recipient must be an...
$3,000.00 Adeline Stap Lynden Christian High School Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Adeline Stap family. The...
$2,000.00 Al and Betty Smeenk Scholarship
The Al and Betty Smeenk Scholarship was established to financially...
$3,000.00 Arena Search Scholarship
This scholarship was set up by Arena Staffing to be awarded to an...
Varies Art and Marilyn Dykstra Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Mrs. Dykstra. The recipient must be an...
$3,000.00 Bob and Charlie Zylstra Scholarship
This scholarship was established to financially encourage an incoming...
$1,000.00 Boersma Family Memorial Scholarship
Set up in memory of Albert and Laverne Boersma, the family wishes to...
$2,000.00 Carol Wilson Freshman Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Carol Wilson to financially...
$2,000.00 Chanarambie Encouragement Scholarship
Incoming freshman students that have a cumulative grade point average...
$3,000.00 Alvin and Mary Runia Scholarship
Alvin and Mary Runia have established this scholarship fund. Recipients...
Varies American State Bank Business Scholarship
American State Bank in Sioux Center established this scholarship for...
$3,000.00 Arena Staffing Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a full time Dordt University student...
$2,500.00 Assink Secondary Education Science Scholarship
Upperclassman students who are studying to become secondary education...
$2,000.00 Ben Van Andel Memorial Scholarship
These scholarships were established with a gift from the estate of...
$3,000.00 Bob and Charlie Zylstra Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was set up by the Zylstras to financially encourage an...
$2,500.00 Brenda's Song: A Scholarship in the Worship Arts
Gordon Nyhof has established this scholarship for a student who intends...
$1,000.00 Charles Adams Engineering Scholarship
A Charles Adams Engineering Scholarship is funded in honor of the many...
$3,000.00 Charles and Marlene Veenstra Scholarship
Charles and Marlene Veenstra established this scholarship to be awarded...
$2,000.00 Chris E. Haan Pre-Seminary Scholarship
Students who intend to follow a pre-seminary course of study are...
$2,400.00 Chris Geels Teacher Education Scholarship
The Chris Geels Teacher Education Scholarship was established for an...
$3,000.00 Christian Heritage Idaho Scholarship
The De Jongs set up this scholarship to financially encourage graduates...
$2,000.00 Churchill Equipment Ag/Business Scholarship
Students from the state of Montana will be considered for this...
$5,000.00 Consulting Design Solutions Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior student who shows...
$2,000.00 Continuing Christian Education Scholarship
John and Judy Vander Woude set up this scholarship for an incoming...
$3,000.00 Cornelius and Hendrena Zylstra Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Dr. Carl and Mrs. Gloria Zylstra in...
$2,000.00 CQ Medical Freshman Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Incoming freshman who intend to major in mechanical engineering and are...
$2,000.00 Created to Thrive Scholarship
This scholarship was put into place right after the Thrive Center for...
$2,000.00 Daniel and Julie Droog Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Daniel and Julie Droog. They wish to...
$3,000.00 Dave and Tammy Rozenboom Business Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Dave & Tammy Rozenboom for a student...
$2,500.00 David and Phyllis Netz Library Studies Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to an upperclassman student who has an...
$3,000.00 De Stigter - Gesink Women's Volleyball Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a top tier women’s volleyball player...
$5,000.00 Debra Lynn (De Boer) Spronk Nursing Scholarship
Incoming freshmen who intend to major in nursing and are accepted to...
Varies Defender Band Activity Scholarship
Students that play for the Defender Band are eligible to receive a...
$2,000.00 Defender Encouragement Scholarship
These scholarships will be awarded as significant scholarships to...
$2,000.00 Den Besten Music Scholarship
Funded by the Harold and Wilma Den Besten estate, these scholarships...
$2,000.00 Den Besten Music Scholarship - Keyboard
Funded by the Harold and Wilma Den Besten estate, these scholarships...
$2,000.00 Den Besten Music Scholarship - Vocal
Funded by the Harold and Wilma Den Besten estate, these scholarships...
$2,500.00 Dennis and Arla Van Zanten Nursing Scholarship
The Van Zantens set up this scholarship to be awarded to an incoming...
$3,000.00 Dennis and Jeni Hoekstra Scholarship for International Development
This scholarship will be awarded to a Dordt University student who is...
Varies Dick and Hilda Addink Scholarship
Marilyn J. and William Moore have honored her parents by establishing...
Varies Doorn Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Henry and Karen Doorn. The recipient must...
$1,000.00 Dordt Development Foundation Activites Grant
This grant will be awarded to an incoming freshmen students who have...
$0.00 Dordt Music Patrons Choral Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by members of the Dordt University Music...
$2,000.00 Dordt University Home Education Scholarship
Funded by Eric and Anastasha Anderson, this scholarship will be awarded...
Varies Dordt University Missionary Family Scholarship
Children of active Christian Missionaries are eligible for a Dordt...
Varies Dordt University Music Patrons Scholarship
Alumni donors who wish to contribute to the success of the music...