Strong Arms Football Scholarship

Set up by a Bible study group, this scholarship was named after the group read Exodus 17:8-13.  Moses went to the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands to watch God deliver his people.  As long as Moses held his arms up, the Israelites continued to win the battle.  When his arms grew tired and started to fall, the Israelites began to lose. Moses’ friends saw this, so they began to do whatever they could to help him hold his arms up, even as he grew tired.  They helped Moses stay steady through it all.  We all need people in our lives who will hold us up when we grow tired.  This scholarship aims to hold up the football team by providing financial support to one of its players.  This scholarship will be chosen by the football coaching staff and may be awarded in addition to other athletic scholarships received.  The recipient must meet NAIA and GPAC guidelines for participation in the football program. 
