Defender Capital Management Scholarship

Defender Capital Management Scholarships will be awarded to students involved in leadership and to those actively attending the club meetings. Scholarship awards will be based on student’s involvement in Defender Capital Management, their attendance, and completion of the application process. Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Scholarship amounts will vary.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select one of the following four options in order to apply for the Defender Capital Management Scholarship:

    1. Prepare and present a recommendation for purchasing a stock that DCM does not currently own. The stock should fit into the guidelines and investment philosophy of DCM as outlined in the handbook. Presentation will be judged based on your experience in the club - for example, a freshman will not be expected to complete a valuation spreadsheet and have the same level of knowledge, expertise, and experience as an upperclassman.

    2. Prepare and present a review of a currently owned stock by DCM, recommending a buy of additional shares, hold, or sell. Presentation will be judged based on your experience in the club - for example, a freshman will not be expected to complete a valuation spreadsheet and have the same level of knowledge, expertise, and experience as an upperclassman.

    3. Write an article (500-1000 words) on a topic relative to Defender Capital Management operations and activities, for example, reviewing the investment style of DCM or how DCM uses fundamental analysis.

    4. Write an article (500-1000 words) on economic conditions or news and how it relates to DCM, for example, inflation and investing or how interest rates hikes will impact the financial market.

    Presentations and articles will be done in front of or reviewed by one to three DCM officers and a faculty advisor.

  2. If you selected a presentation option, please contact Professor Jesse Veenstra at to set up a time to present.

    If submitting an article, please attach your document here: