Gaming Guild Scholarship

a. Students awarded a Gaming Guild Scholarship will become part of a specialized cohort made up of members who individually focus on developing as leaders in gaming-related spaces. While each member will be provided with opportunities to engage in activities tailored to their specific interests, all cohort members will come together 1-2 times per month for a shared experience that includes:
• Project Presentations: Students will present updates on their current work and activities within their respective areas of focus, facilitating interdisciplinary learning and community awareness.
• Guest Speaker Dialogues: Cohort gatherings will often feature guest speakers who are leaders in gaming-related fields, offering a platform for students to interact with experts in areas that align with their academic and spiritual interests.
• Guild-Wide Initiatives: As a group, the cohort will collectively work on meaningful projects aimed at benefiting the gaming club and broader community. These initiatives will be designed to blend academic rigor, spiritual enrichment, and practical utility.
To be considered for this scholarship, the application must be completed and an interview (either on-line or in person) must be scheduled with the Director of Gaming, Dr. Brad Hickey, by contacting him at or (712) 722-6954.
This is a one-year scholarship. Scholarship recipients may re-apply and be considered for the scholarship each year.
